ByAzeez Elijah

In a bid to foster a culture of critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills among students, the National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna State Branch, has partnered with the Kaduna State Chess Association to establish the "YES to CHESS" school chess clubs. This innovative initiative aims to promote students' engagement and competition through the game of chess, with a view to enhancing their academic performance and overall cognitive development.

Introduction to Chess

For the uninitiated, chess is a two-player strategy board game that involves moving pieces on a square board with the ultimate goal of capturing the opponent's king. The game requires a combination of critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, making it an excellent tool for cognitive development. Research has shown a positive correlation between playing chess and reading skills, highlighting the potential benefits of incorporating chess into educational curricula.

The "YES to CHESS" Initiative

The "YES to CHESS" school chess clubs, established by the National Library of Nigeria, Kaduna State Branch, and the Kaduna State Chess Association, have been making waves in the educational sector. The clubs have organized two successful tournaments, with the first taking place in November 2024 and the second on February 15, 2025, at the state branch premises. These tournaments provide a platform for students to engage in healthy competition, develop their chess skills, and foster a sense of community among chess enthusiasts.

Benefits of Chess in Education

The incorporation of chess into educational curricula has been shown to have numerous benefits, including:

  • ·  Integration with STEM Education: Chess complements STEM education by promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills.
  • · Development of Soft Skills: Chess helps students develop essential soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
  • ·  Enhanced Problem-Solving: Chess improves students' problem-solving skills, enabling them to approach complex challenges with confidence and creativity.
  • ·  Fostering Critical Thinking: Chess encourages critical thinking, analysis, and evaluation, essential skills for academic success and beyond.
  • ·   Supporting Inclusive Education: Chess is an inclusive game that can be played by students of all abilities, promoting social interaction and a sense of belonging.
  • ·    Boosting Academic Performance: Research has shown that playing chess can improve academic performance, particularly in mathematics and reading.


The National Library of Nigeria's "YES to CHESS" initiative is a shining example of how chess can be used to promote cognitive development, academic excellence, and social interaction among students. By partnering with the Kaduna State Chess Association, the library has created a platform for students to engage in a fun and intellectually stimulating activity that can have a lasting impact on their educational journey. As the initiative continues to grow and expand, it is likely to inspire a new generation of chess enthusiasts and promote a culture of critical thinking and problem-solving in Nigerian schools

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